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012 348 7108 – Pretoria
011 422 1417 – Benoni

Pretoria Office

Atterbury Rd 504
Menlo Park

Benoni Office

201 Kemston Ave

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Map – Pretoria Practice

Smiling Orthodontics - Pretoria

Map – Benoni Practice

Smiling Orthodontics - Benoni

Contact us to book an appointment


Monday: 8am – 5pm
Tuesday: 8am – 5pm
Wednesday: 8am – 5pm
Thursday: 8am – 5 pm
Friday: 8am – 5pm


“My experience with braces has been worthwhile and I am extremely happy with the results Dr. Uys and his team have given me. I am very grateful. This has been a life-changing experience. Thank you Dr. Uÿs”
Victoria Embleton

“Dr Herman & Personeel,
Eertens, baie dankie vir die vriendelike en profesionele manier, waarmee julle vir Braam behandel het Saterdag – sulke diens kry mens regtig nie meer vandag nie.”
Karlien Albertyn

“Thank you for everything. The pain and wait was worth it, just as you said. Can’t believe D-day is finally here.  Thank you again.”
Ashleigh Chapman

“Ons wil graag baie dankie sê vir al die geduldige verstellings en meet en pas die afgelope 2 jaar. Jeanine se tande is absoluut pragtig. Ons waardeer elkeen wat in hierdie tyd deel gehad het aan haar behandeling.Julle is ‘n spesiale klompie mense en ons het groot waardering vir die verskil wat julle in Jeanine se lewe gemaak het. Mag die Here julle oorvloedig seen.”
Jeanine Steenkamp

“I am so grateful for the smile that I’m able to wear today and it’s all thanks to my braces.
 Having braces for two years was not as painful and burdensome as I thought it would be. My braces helped me correct an unattractive and painful overbite and gave me a confident smile to be proud of!
 Thanks to my braces I have lovely straight teeth and a big smile :-), Many thanks”
Tertia Lotter